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Interview with…Berta Abellán

At this point, who does not know Berta Abellán?

She is one of the best riders in the world, 3 world runners-up & several national titles, plus a Trial of Nations & 1 European Women’s Championship. Berta competes in TR1 Female & TR3 in the Spanish Championship, she also competes in the World Championship in the TrialGP Women category.

In December 2017 she signed for the Vertigo brand and to this day she is still delighted with the bike and the team, this season will ride equipped with Sörra and we wanted to ask her some questions to get to know her better!

Fullname: Berta Abellán Marsiñach    /   Age: 21 years    /    Current motorbike: Vertigo R2 300c


  • 2017: 1st Championship of Spain in Women A; 4th in the World Cup and 1st in the TDN (World Team Championship)
  • 2018: 1st Championship of Spain; 1st in the European in Absolute Female; 2nd in the World Cup and 2nd in the TDN.
  • 2019: 2nd Spanish Championship; 2nd in the World Cup and 1st in the TDN.
  • 2020: 1st Championship of Spain; 2nd in the World Cup

– How did you get to TRIAL?

– I came to the Trial when I was 4 years old by the hand of my father.

– Do you remember when you first got on a trial motorbike? What motorbike was it?

– Not much to be honest, but I have seen some photos and videos of my beginnings and the silly smile of being having a great time! With a face of unmatched happiness.

– And when and where did you compete for the first time?

– In Constantí (Tarragona), year … 2005 (I was 6 years old in October and I remember my father insisting that they let me run). It was, I think, one of the worst trials I’ve ever run. There was a lot of mud, it didn’t stop raining, it was brutally cold and I didn’t even know how it worked. Even so, I was quite good at it and when I returned home I remember feeling satisfied and wanting more!

– Tell us about Sörra‘s Trial clothing, what do you like the most?

– The truth is that I’m not fussy with almost anything, except clothes, gloves and a helmet. So, since it’s very important for me to be comfortable, the Sörra kit fulfills all my wishes. Perfect elasticity, very comfortable, very good quality of the fabric, spotless and very concealed seams, the closure is one of the simplest and most comfortable that I have tried apart from the fact that it fits me and is a great pleasure. Finally, the customization is being prepared for me but I’m sure it will be awesome! In general, for my taste it is the best on the market.

– What is your best memory as a rider?

– The truth is that I have many. From the courses with Siri in Montbui from when we were childs, to my first podium in the World Cup (July 2016 in Tong, England). The US World Cup in 2017 with the RFME was also awesome. And the last European race in Belgium in 2018 was also one of the best moments that I have lived in this world.

– During lockdown and without being able to go out to train, what other sports did you practice to keep fit?

– I would climb the walls, so every 3 hours I would take the dog out. Then I would go up to the terrace and do a bit of BikeTrial (what I could) and also do the training sessions that the physical trainer gave me and sometimes even some aerobics or CircuitTraining with my mother.

– What’s your strong point racing?

– If all goes well, my head. Because when I manage to be flexible and control myself, it’s great for me, but I don’t think it’s one of my strong points since that’s not always the case. What helps me a lot, I suppose, is the technique that I have had since I was a child since the base has been very good and the fact of having trained for 7 years with Carles Palà has also made me perfect it.

– Who has been or is your biggest rival?

– Definitely Emma Bristow. He has 7 consecutive World Cups, and although we are getting closer and closer, she’s very good, really. When Neus Murcia was racing, he was one of my biggest rivals at the National level, he has incredible technique and talent, it was a pity that she had to leave competition for lack of help.

– What competition would you be most excited about winning?

– The world Cup! Definitely! I am really looking forward to this challenge!

– What do you expect from 2021?

– Health, strength and mental balance. With these 3 points I’m satisfied since what I know fails me the most is my head, so if I manage to control myself and trust myself a little more, good results can come out.

– Tell us the challenges you set for yourself in 5 years from now

– Have a World Cup in my pocket, have created my personal image and with it have been able to do courses, for example … Travel! Take part once and for all in The Six Days of Scotland! I had to go in 2020 and 2021 but they canceled it … so I’m very excited to go there. Hopefully in 2022 we can attend! And finally, living on what I like the most and dedicate more hours to it, the trial.

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